
Shiney Ahuja, fallen Bollywood star, jailed for raping maid !

Bollywood star sentenced to seven years in prison as actor Arshad Warsi accuses Indian courts of ‘targeting actors’

A screenland star has been condemned of rape in an exceedingly judgment that activists say shows effective penalization of sexual violence to girls in India is feasible.

Shiney Ahuja, 38, was sentenced to seven years in jail by a court in Mumbai, India’s industrial and medium center. He had been defendant of raping a girl operating as a maid, eighteen at the time of the offense, in his flat 2 years agone.

Rape investigations in India seldom end in an effort including a conviction. The notable and therefore the the} powerful also usually escape charges or will either intimidate or bribe their thanks to freedom. “It is extremely vital that folks with cash and clout aren’t getting away with it. this is often terribly vital,” same as Madhu Kishwar, a revered tutorial and founder editor of Manushi, a women’s problems magazine.

Although the victim had withdrawn her proof, the decision relied on earlier statements additionally as medical reports, bloodstains on her garments, traces of humor on a bed and curtains and therefore the proven fact that the hand of the star was badly damaged to reach a guilty finding. Ahuja, once named by the film media collectively of India’s most eligible men, was found guiltless of criminal intimidation of the witness.

Domestic servants, WHO are usually paid but £50 per month even by the rich and haven’t any social protection, seldom approach the police, aware {they are|they’re} doubtless to lose their jobs if they report any abuse and are unlikely to be taken seriously by law enforcers.

Ahuja, his woman, and fans claim he has been framed. The actor’s attorney same that his consumer, WHO had created a reputation in India’s freelance film sector, would charm.

The decision was criticised by another actor, Arshad Warsi. “Murderers, terrorists [and] corrupt politicians [are] walking free [and] Shiney Ahuja gets seven years … Judiciary ought to stop targeting actors thus blatantly,” he denotes on Twitter.

Warsi’s comments aggravated incensed reactions online.

There are a series of recent cases of gang rape in metropolis usually involving teams of young men from the capital’s rural area and single girls strolling back from work late at midnight. Analysts have delineated the attacks as a clash of 2 Indias, the new urbanized world of decision centers and girls living alone and therefore the ancient rural or semi-rural zones, wherever conservative social codes are strengthened instead of challenged in recent years.

“Most young men won’t dare have interaction in molestation in their own neighborhoods or own villages. they’re going to attend places wherever they’re anonymous. thus group action is a lot of vital than enforcement,” Kishwar same.

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