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How to get rid of Depression?

What is fighting depression? Before we jump on the topic of fighting depression. First, we should know the meaning of

3.5 billion of people are depressed in different ways

Depression what depression really is? They are oppressive spiritual forces. You know it’s true because you can feel this force- like a black cloud sitting on your spirit and mind- poisoning and draining you of life and energy. Science would have believed it’s a chemical imbalance or some mental “disorder.” A survey reveals that NIMH depression is a very common state in the human body but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel happy or sad, thinks good or bad, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working to be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks.

How can we get rid of depression?

When you’re in a bad situation of decision making.

At least50% of clinical depression is genetic. It has nothing to do with lack of willpower. Also, as in many cases, depression can be caused by an insult to the brain. All efforts to control your anxiety/depression should be initiated by medical personnel. Too, a vast majority of the time if you have anxiety, you also have depression. The number one health problem in the world today is stress; consequently, all steps should be taken to control it. You can also use countless non-chemical means to deal with stress. Some, and this is a short list, are: 

avoid negative people; don’t rely on your memory – write it down; make duplicate keys; say “no” more often; simplify meal time; always make copies of important papers; ask for help with jobs you don’t like; break large tasks into bite-size portions; smile; pet your dog/cat; don’t know all the answers; say something nice to someone; say “hello” to a stranger; ask a friend for a hug; practice breathing slowly; stand up and stretch; strive for excellence not perfection;

don’t worry what other people are thinking about you, because they are not thinking about you (you are not the center of the universe); ask someone to be your “vent-partner;” talk less and listen more; watch a sunset; know your limitations and let others know them too; Always have a plan “B;” memorize a joke; clean out one closet; write a note to a friend far away and many are there for being cool. There is always a problem in our thinking and way of analyzing our problems. If we fell into some situation we start thinking all types of crap necessary or unnecessary. here are a full structure of fighting depression that keeps you happy and cool all the time;

  • leave: leave thoughts where they are in mind, you don’t need to do those negative self-talk, just leave
  • stop mind wandering: stop mind wandering, because that is what makes you weak and drains all your energy. stay in the present maximum of times
  • introspect: introspect positively removing all those negative thoughts
  • write: write your evolution, that what you were and what you have become now. thinking all the time of those negative thoughts are not helpful rather writing those things gives you a better and precise idea of yourself
  • conclude: now basically, you have a precise idea of yourself. you know yourself well.
  • final phase: then comes the final phase of getting off it, “acceptance”, accepting whatever happened in between and what you missed is the real thing to achieve because that would not let you regret. that’s the final stage of coming out of depression totally and that’s the toughest state because that again makes you an over-thinker. so, accept.

It may work for some people either at the same time, not for others. but here are some another tips that I’ve personally experienced and worked out.

when you promote in your job

fighting depression is trickier. Treat yourself to a massage or a night out or some new clothes, or something else that you’ve been wanting. Help people and animals that have been abused or abandoned by donating or volunteering, or even just spending time talking with someone that doesn’t have anyone in their life, will definitely 100% guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself. Adopt a pet, even a small one, because having something else that relies on you to care for it makes a world of difference. Put on a stand-up comedy show to take your mind off things. Go sightseeing. Take a shower and cry, because sometimes you just need the release and the soothing sensation of warm water. Ask yourself if you want more happy memories in the future, possibly with someone you love, and what you can do, then create a bucket list with big and small goals including places you want to visit, what you want to buy, things you want to learn, who you want to meet, where you want to live, etc. Design your dream home or whatever you want. None of these may suit you, but don’t write them off before giving some a try.

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